

  • Service Design: Design Thinking and other tools: Understanding the problem: observation techniques. Devising solutions: innovation and brainstorming techniques. Prototyping and iteration. Testing and refinement: techniques for service validation and feedback gathering.
  • Service Management: Introduction to Service Management. Start-up. Service management in operation. Service Management Models: ITIL
  • Business Process Modeling: Introduction to business processes. Business modeling techniques. Process modeling techniques. BPMN. Business process management tools.
  • Services and service enterprises: Concept and characteristics of service: the dominant logic of services. Service vs. product. The service company as a system. Distinctive characteristics of the service company.
  • Operations management in service companies: The operations strategy. Service and process: the service delivery system. Plant location and distribution. Capacity in services. Waiting lines. Quality.
  • Emotional Intelligence: Concept of Emotional Intelligence. Emotional Intelligence at Work: the five Core Emotional Competencies
  • Leadership, values and teamwork:Teamwork. Work motivation. Leadership. The importance of values in the team and in the leader. Time management.
  • Communication Skills: Theory and principles of Communication. Interpersonal communication. Oral communication.
  • Relaxation and Mindfulness: Benefits. Practice
  • Executive Coaching: Coaching and its tools. How to work on coaching competencies. Team Coaching
  • Conflict negotiation and resolution: Nature and types of conflicts. Positive conflict management. Conflict resolution techniques: negotiation, mediation, feadback, etc.
  • Negotiation and conflict resolution: Nature and types of conflicts.
  • Effective Presentations: Structuring presentations. Adequacy to the audience (Herdbrand method, objective-driven approach…). Techniques and tools: Prezzi, ViSH, PowToon, EMaze, HaikuDeck, Crowslides. Emotional control (coaching techniques, theatrical, relaxation, mindfulness).
  • Emotional Intelligence: Concept of Emotional Intelligence. Emotional Intelligence at Work: the five Core Emotional Competencies
  • Emotional Intelligence at Work: the five Core Emotional Competencies.
  • Leadership, values and teamwork:Teamwork. Work motivation. Leadership. The importance of values in the team and in the leader. Time management.
  • Communication Skills: Theory and principles of Communication. Interpersonal communication. Oral communication.
  • Relaxation and Mindfulness: Benefits. Practice
  • Executive Coaching: Coaching and its tools. How to work on coaching competencies. Team Coaching
  • Conflict negotiation and resolution: Nature and types of conflicts. Positive conflict management. Conflict resolution techniques: negotiation, mediation, feadback, etc.
  • Negotiation and conflict resolution: Nature and types of conflicts.
  • Effective Presentations: Structuring presentations. Adequacy to the audience (Herdbrand method, objective-driven approach…). Techniques and tools: Prezzi, ViSH, PowToon, EMaze, HaikuDeck, Crowslides. Emotional control (coaching techniques, theatrical, relaxation, mindfulness).
  • Gestión de datos en la era del Big Data: Introducción al Big Data. Modelos de datos. MongoDB: una base de datos basada en documentos. Neo4J: una base de datos basada en grafos.
  • Diseño de Bases de Datos: El sistema Gestor de Bases de Datos. Modelo de Datos. Modelo Entidad/Interrelación. El Modelo Relacional. El lenguaje SQL
  • Gestión Avanzada de Datos con Microsoft Excel: Empezar a trabajar con Excel. Opciones avanzadas de formato y presentación. Trabajar con Funciones, …
  • Business Intelligence con Power BI en Microsoft Excel: Power BI de MS Excel, PowerQuery, PowerPivot, PowerView, PowerMap.
  • Programación para Microsoft Excel: Introducción. Programar con VBA. Usar VBA en Excel, …
  • Gestión Avanzada de datos con Microsoft Access: Conceptos iniciales. Consultas. Formularios e Informes. Macros. Importación/Exportación
  • Otros…
We create customized training courses. Adapting both the content and the profile of the teachers (technical, management, humanities) to the training needs you require for your company or organization.


Consulting Services.

  • Service Design: Business reengineering with a focus on service improvement. Design of new services
  • Service innovation: Market studies. Innovation workshops for the proposal of new services. Creativity workshops for the design and redesign of services.

People Consulting.

  • Training: Comprehensive training program design.
  • Personal and organizational growth: Executive coaching programs. Group coaching programs for managers and work teams. Mentoring programs. Programs focused on improving the EI of individuals, teams and the organization.
  • Personal and organizational growth: Programs focused on improving the EI of individuals, teams and the organization.
  • Staff selection: Personnel and talent search and selection programs.
Equipo Docente

Teaching & Professional Team

We are an interdisciplinary team formed by professionals and university professors in the areas of information technology, business, psychology and service engineering. We have more than 20 years of experience both in formal training (masters, degrees, doctorate, etc.) and in courses and consultancy for companies and public institutions.
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